Results of market studies or surveys Code

Advertising using the results of market studies, surveys or enquiries, aiming at measuring a behavior, an opinion or an attitude, no matter the form, must comply with the following rules:
“Marketing communications should not (…)
- present statistics in such a way as to exaggerate the validity of a product claim;
- use scientific terminology or vocabulary in such a way as falsely to suggest that a product claim has scientific validity.” 6 ICC Code
1. Authorization
All advertisers at first must make sure that the organization that made the survey or the study consents that the results may be used in an advertisement.
2. Identification
The advertisement must indicate:
- the name of the organization that led the survey or study
- the date the survey or study, and the size of the panel
3. Validity date
The period during which the survey or study is valid is limited depending on the object of the study. No advertising can use results of a study or survey that is outdated considering the date, the customs, the current events and the publication of a new study or survey.
4. Expression of the results
All results must be linked to the precise question asked and can’t be made general and applied to all the products, activities, or the advertiser.
The presentation must not lead to think that the result concerns a specific geographic region or panel other than the one actually surveyed.
The type of presentation (visual, graphic, etc.) must not disproportionately present one result over the other.
First version, september 1989.